Monday, February 3, 2014

Long Live

‘The King is dead... long live the King!’
In medieval times, the above line was said on the death of one king and the declaration of the new king. It symbolised the continuity of the ruler as the void created by the death of the incumbent leader was filled by the quick confirmation of the next occupant of the top position. It took away doubts of instability and ensured no confusion reigned in the minds of the people.
In Gadag, India, there exists a modern day version on the same lines. The Junior Chamber chapter at Gadag Betageri was finding it difficult to carry on. JCI membership is fixed at the age spectrum of 18 to 40 years. Rangu R Odugoudar and his colleagues were worried that the chapter would not live beyond them. They chose to ensure that Jayceeism would long live in Gadag.
In 1985, they founded the ‘Institute of Individual Development’ based on the philosophy of JCI. In 1987, they decided to start a Jaycee English School with emphasis on developing the personalities through training of soft skills. In 2007, a full-fledged Personality Development Training (PDT) was started for the students of Std 9. Sessions included discover yourself, public speaking, etiquettes, communication, leadership, goal setting, etc.
Top Coaches, G Balachandran from Calicut and S Sachidanand from Chikmagalur helped to put together the syallabus as well as a committed team of trainers from all over India who were ready to be part of the selfless initiative. An important part of the training team, Shiv Kumar passed away in 2013. But the program continued.
Rangu and his team were empowered to live their dream by all those who joined in the mission. The locals who joined into bring in resources as well as the others from elsewhere who gave their time and efforts... all united to impact and build on an enduring legacy. The inspirational initiative ensures that Gadag Betageri Jaycees lives long after its organisational death.

When we ‘unite to impact’ to build a legacy...
Dreams live long when we combine our energy

- Pravin K. Sabnis

Goa, India.

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