Monday, January 20, 2014


A stone weighing 70kg is lifted on the fingertips by five, seven or eleven men who chant the name of saint, Kamarali Darvesh at his durgah at Shivpuri about 25 kilometers from Pune. The saint, who died 700 years ago, is said to be buried in that durgah. Faith seems to turn the heavy stone into a lightweight.
The above miracle loses shine when we see four persons lift such a stone on their fingertips without chanting any name. So often in training programs, we use a similar activity to showcase the seemingly magical phenomenon. Four persons use only their finger tips to lift a heavy person sitting on a chair. Lightweight youth have used their fingers to easily lift even a 120 kg person.
The explanation is simple. Lifting a weight on finger tips by four persons is based on the fact that the foursome uses their force at the same time to lift up the load. They do not feel the entire weight as it is equally distributed on their fingers. Besides the fact that the raising of the weight is done on the principle of leverage, it is very important that the foursome lifts together in unison to create the needed impact.
When four efforts unite in synchronising, the weight is equally distributed among the four. When we unite our efforts we are able to take on greater tasks. This unity of efforts is done by aligning, belief, actions and goals in a team. The impact of teams is enhanced by their ability to unite efforts. To be better at team working, we must unite to impact!
Let’s ‘unite to impact’ our efforts in a team, every date
And BE BETTER at turning heavy tasks into lightweight!

- Pravin K. Sabnis
Goa, India.

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