Monday, July 15, 2013

New Role

Veteran actor, Pran passed away on Friday. However he will continue to live in the minds and hearts of his fans. His USP was his ability to look different in each role. Besides using varied wigs, make-up makeovers and changed costumes, he would assume distinct mannerisms for each character. Indeed, he brought freshness to each new role!
It was this very attitude that ensured Pran’s success as an important player in the Hindi film industry. Many stars fell by the wayside as they chose to replay the same approach in every role. Even the greatest of them all, Amitabh Bachan had to reinvent himself and discover new roles. But Pran had greater consistency over five decades, as he kept reinventing himself in every new role.
Pran’s model is not just for reel life, but also for real life. We are cast in multiple roles that arise from the different situations that surround us. While personal values must remain consistent (like it was with Pran); our response to each new role will be better if we infuse a fresh approach that is suited to the needs and wants of that particular role.
One of the fallouts of success is the reluctance to innovate. The common argument is ‘why give up on what works’. However, each new role comes with its own new challenges. And even if doesn’t, it is only by approaching afresh, that we will discover newer possibilities in achieving greater goals. When the role is new, our response has to be a freshly reinvented one.
To truly BE BETTER in each new role...
Reinvent the approach to the goal!
- Pravin K. Sabnis
Goa, India.

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