Monday, May 27, 2013

Adopt a Tree

‘The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago.
The second best time is NOW!’ – Anonymous
The above lines outline the purpose of Chandrakant Shinde and his colleagues. They are preparing for this year’s Environment Day by asking Goans to adopt a Jamun Tree. They are using varied media to involve more citizens to their circle of commitment that looks beyond now. They want participants to not just plant a tree, but to take care of it so that it can bear fruit for the future.
Shinde and his friends, belong to Vivekananda Environment Awareness Brigade, Keri, Sattari, in Goa. Over the years, they have nurtured their love for Mother Nature with consistent and committed actions. They have kept away from lucrative career trails. They have charted their own journeys to create a legacy that will endure beyond their lifetime.
Planting a tree is an activity that has become fashionable. But adopting a tree requires the resolve of greater and consistent commitment. It is a choice made by those who connect totally to what they believe is a common good. They look beyond to become the creators of a desirable future. They do not seek immediate benefits for themselves. They are seized by selflessness.
So often, we are seized by an emotion that is well intentioned and sincere... whether planting a tree or an idea. But, the best of intentions can come to nought, if we do not back our initial act by as series of appropriate actions to nurture that tree or even that idea. So while it is good to ‘plant’, it would be better to ‘adopt’ and nurture that tree or that idea!
To BE BETTER at creating a legacy...
Do not just plant... adopt the tree!
- Pravin K. Sabnis
Goa, India.

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