Monday, April 19, 2010


One of the best lines of wishes that I picked up from my favourite teacher, Fr Gatti was, ‘Have a great day!’ Before I met him the best wish that I heard was ‘have a good day’. Instinctively to me it was akin to a hopeful wish that only good things should happen. However, Fr Gatti’s wish resonated with resolve and inspiration to make the day great.

So how does one make a great day? It is pertinent to learn the lessons from little children. Babies can gleefully play with empty boxes and other trivia. For them, the sights of a bright flower or a chirpy bird or a gushing stream or a splendid rainbow are all triggers of great joy. A day of play with friends and family, whether outdoors or indoors, are occasions for certifying it to be a great day.

Surely, we were the same when young. Yet so often, we adults wait for our ‘great days’ without realizing that the day that went by and that the day that comes will be great days only if we look upon them as such. We tend to set too many criteria for happiness: ‘when I get this’, ‘when I have more money’, ‘when I have a better house, better furniture, so on and so forth’ and we forget to live every day, enjoying today.

We should be more like children who truly live in the moment! As we get older, we distance ourselves from the approach of enjoying each and every day. We must retain our child like attitude of living each moment to its fullest and making a better and greater day! We need to realise that more important than money and material are the valuable moments of time invested in enjoying simple pleasures.

Learn from the child, life’s little joys seem to say

Let’s BE BETTER at making possible a great day!

- Pravin K. Sabnis

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