Monday, June 30, 2008


“What makes a kite fly high?” a young boy queried of his father. He was flying a kite on the beach and expected his father to appreciate his personal ability and skill. However his father replied, “The string makes the kite fly high.” The boy was aghast, “the string is holding the kite down… it’s the wind that makes it fly high… and of course the way I can use the wind to make my kite fly higher…”

The father wisely replied, “If you think the string is holding the kite down, then go ahead and break it. Set the kite free… let it go higher… let it soar.” All those who have flown kites will tell you that when the string is cut, the kite comes down… in a lifeless and listless manner. The young lad had learnt a valuable lesson. So, can we…

There are things that we believe are holding us down and preventing us from soaring higher in life. However, if we look closely, they may be the ones that can help us grow and glow in life… they may be like the string that makes the kite soar high…. This string is called discipline. But, discipline is considered a dampener. It is found to be irritating and infuriating. Human beings, by instinct, abhor rules. We hate to mould our lives to somebody else’s set of rules.

However, surely we can have our own set of rules… our own self-discipline. We need to create our self-discipline because we wish to soar high, like the kite in the sky. Look around and we notice that winners and achievers stand out in a crowd because of their ability to ensure the highest levels of self-discipline. It is said so well, “If it is going to be… it’s up to me!”

- Pravin-da

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