Monday, February 12, 2007


There are three kinds of people in the world:
Those who are movable.
Those who are immovable.
And those who move.

Since the first Monday of 2004, the Monday Muse series has been dedicated to the annual themes of the National Presidents of JCI-India. Yours truly has been fascinated by the various dimensions that are inherrent in the themes and the multiple possibilities for use in training programs. However, my first effective tryst with the themes came in 2002, with Harish Kumar's theme: STEP AHEAD.

Along a night journey from Khed to Goa, Harish explained me the three dimensions of his theme. The first dimension was obvious: of progressive action. The second dimension he explained as the STEP that lay AHEAD: of visioning of the future and thus preparing for it. The third dimension was STEP-A-HEAD: of the appropriate sharing of the various steps of responsibility as well as authority between the members of your team.

All these dimensions are inspiring and help one plan our actions, articulate our vision and develop our teamworking skills. Yours truly benefited immensely from putting to use the multiple dimensions in such themes, first in my own life, then as a HRD trainer and now as a motivational writer. We are surrounded by many motivational slogans and quotes. We need to see the various dimensions and use them to develop our attitudes and approaches.

the best of slogans are not incidental innovation
use them to the fullest to "develop new dimensions"

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