Addiction is a complex issue and contributing factors include family beliefs and peer groups that encourage addiction. Repeated use of addictive substances alter the brain's pleasure centres, leading to physical dependence.
De-addiction is a process that helps individuals overcome addiction. It includes professional help, support from loved ones and a willingness to change. With the right support and treatment, individuals can overcome addiction and achieve a healthier, happier life.
Recognizing signs and symptoms of addiction is crucial in seeking help. These include increased tolerance (needing larger doses to achieve the same effect), withdrawal symptoms, loss of control and neglecting personal and professional responsibilities
De-addiction has challenges like relapse, mental health issues and even physical health consequences. Overcoming addiction requires a comprehensive approach that involves medical treatment, therapy, counselling and support groups.
Addiction can be overcome by a resolve to accept that it's okay to ask for help. The immediate family and friends must also accept that the addicted individual requires help and support. We must understand the gravity of addiction afflicting people around and also ourselves.
It is a great pain to be chained by addiction
Love, help and care can repair the situation!
- Pravin K. Sabnis
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