Monday, September 23, 2024


Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of attending an interschool English Language Festival: Meraki 2.0 organised by Holy Cross High School in Bastora, Goa. It sought to promote the love for language by engaging students through a plethora of events to exhibit their talents. 

Meraki is a Greek term that means to do something with soul, creativity or love; to put something of yourself into your work. It's about pouring your heart and soul into something, and doing it with passion, care and dedication. 


Meraki is about adding a piece of yourself to whatever you do; and making it special and meaningful. In Greek culture, meraki is often used to describe the act of cooking with love, but it can apply to any activity, skill or endeavour. 


When you meraki something, you're not just doing it, you're living it! Meraki is a beautiful concept that encourages us to bring our real selves to whatever we do… to make it a reflection of our love, passion and creativity.


With love and flair, create and share

Meraki, meraki… show that you care!


~ Pravin K Sabnis



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