Monday, September 16, 2024


Arunima Sinha was born with a passion for adventure. In 2011, her life took a tragic turn when the former national volleyball and football player, boarded a train to take an examination to join the CISF.  

She was pushed out of the train by thieves who she resisted. As she fell down, another train on a parallel track crushed her leg. Rushed to the hospital with leg and pelvic injuries, she lost her left leg below the knee.


Devastated, she faced two choices: succumb to her circumstances or adapt and overcome. She chose the latter. With prosthetic leg, she began training. In 2013, Arunima became the first amputee to summit Mount Everest. 


Her next goal was to climb all highest peaks in all seven continents. She covered six peaks in Asia, Europe, South America, Australia, Africa and North America by 2014. In 2019, she climbed Mount Vinson in Antarctica.


Her determined adaptation taught us to embrace change and find new ways to achieve goals. She showed us to focus on abilities, not limitations. Her courage redefined possibilities and pushed boundaries. She climbed mountains, literally and figuratively.


Arunima's story is a testament to human adaptability and resilience. She did not give up on dreams. Her courage inspires us to face challenges, adapt and overcome the challenges in our life, never mind how large they loom. 


Adaptation is the key to be

In every challenge, set free! 

~ Pravin K Sabnis


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