Monday, September 23, 2024


Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of attending an interschool English Language Festival: Meraki 2.0 organised by Holy Cross High School in Bastora, Goa. It sought to promote the love for language by engaging students through a plethora of events to exhibit their talents. 

Meraki is a Greek term that means to do something with soul, creativity or love; to put something of yourself into your work. It's about pouring your heart and soul into something, and doing it with passion, care and dedication. 


Meraki is about adding a piece of yourself to whatever you do; and making it special and meaningful. In Greek culture, meraki is often used to describe the act of cooking with love, but it can apply to any activity, skill or endeavour. 


When you meraki something, you're not just doing it, you're living it! Meraki is a beautiful concept that encourages us to bring our real selves to whatever we do… to make it a reflection of our love, passion and creativity.


With love and flair, create and share

Meraki, meraki… show that you care!


~ Pravin K Sabnis



#mondaymuse21stYear #pravinsabnis #since2004 #motivation #blogging #MondayMuse

Monday, September 16, 2024


Arunima Sinha was born with a passion for adventure. In 2011, her life took a tragic turn when the former national volleyball and football player, boarded a train to take an examination to join the CISF.  

She was pushed out of the train by thieves who she resisted. As she fell down, another train on a parallel track crushed her leg. Rushed to the hospital with leg and pelvic injuries, she lost her left leg below the knee.


Devastated, she faced two choices: succumb to her circumstances or adapt and overcome. She chose the latter. With prosthetic leg, she began training. In 2013, Arunima became the first amputee to summit Mount Everest. 


Her next goal was to climb all highest peaks in all seven continents. She covered six peaks in Asia, Europe, South America, Australia, Africa and North America by 2014. In 2019, she climbed Mount Vinson in Antarctica.


Her determined adaptation taught us to embrace change and find new ways to achieve goals. She showed us to focus on abilities, not limitations. Her courage redefined possibilities and pushed boundaries. She climbed mountains, literally and figuratively.


Arunima's story is a testament to human adaptability and resilience. She did not give up on dreams. Her courage inspires us to face challenges, adapt and overcome the challenges in our life, never mind how large they loom. 


Adaptation is the key to be

In every challenge, set free! 

~ Pravin K Sabnis


#mondaymuse21stYear #pravinsabnis #since2004 #motivation #blogging #MondayMuse

Monday, September 9, 2024

Green Skilling

As our world grapples with climate change, environmental degradation and resource depletion, sustainable practices have become critical. Green skilling, the process of acquiring skills and knowledge to support ecological responsive behaviours, is vital in addressing these challenges.

Green Skilling includes various aspects: Renewable energy technologies; Sustainable agriculture and forestry; Eco-friendly construction; Waste management; Environmental conservation; Climate change mitigation; Green infrastructure development


Green skilling is crucial for transitioning to a low-carbon economy, promoting sustainable development, and ensuring environmental stewardship. By investing in green skilling, we empower individuals, communities, and industries to drive positive change and create a more sustainable future.


It is important to integrate Green Skilling into curriculum of Educational Institutes, Government programs, Corporate investments; we have to ensure involvement of individuals and collectives. No systems or programs will make an impact without participation of more and more people. 


We must equip ourselves with the skills, the knowledge and more importantly the attitude to align our actions to the cause of rising environmental concerns. If everyone does their little bit, a huge collective positive transformation will come to fruit. 


In Green Skilling, we must take part,

To save Earth and its delicate heart!

~ Pravin K Sabnis


#mondaymuse21stYear #pravinsabnis #since2004 #motivation #blogging #MondayMuse

Monday, September 2, 2024

After You

My friend was furious with posts on social media requesting a reduction or nil use of fireworks and other pollutants. He kept playing the broken record, ‘what about festivals of other religions? Why don’t they speak up then?’

 ‘You are right!’, an inebriated passer-by joined IN. ‘my doctor is telling me to quit alcohol… I told them to tell the others first. Let the whole world first stop drinking. Don’t tell me to do it first! Tell them first!’


My friend got angry, ‘you are not in your senses, you had too much drink!’ The intoxicated one replied, ‘so are you… you have too much of victimhood!’ Playing adjudicator, I said, ‘both of you have consumed contaminant!’


In etiquette, the phrase ‘after you’ displays courtesy. It is an attitude to politely urge another person to do something first... at the door, at the buffet table, at circumstances when both are in queue for the same purpose. 


However, in a situation of individual initiative, it is irrational to insist on ‘after you’. Positive transformations happen when individuals step ahead to seize onus instead of weltering in victimhood. ‘If it has to be, it starts with me.’


When we consider ourselves as victims of negative actions of others, we use it as an excuse to insist that the ‘other’ should first ‘do’ the desired action. Such approaches of ‘after you’ are plain excuses at the best and devious escapism at the worst. We must take onus for our actions.


Unless in queue, quit the insistence of ‘after you’ 

Major transformations start with initiatives of few!

~ Pravin K Sabnis


#mondaymuse21stYear #pravinsabnis #since2004 #motivation #blogging #MondayMuse