Monday, October 14, 2024


At the Installation Ceremony of a one year old Samraat Club Balli Mahal, the young President and Secretary mentioned about being rookies despite their stellar performance. As State President, I admitted that I was a greenhorn too. After all, I was in this position for the first time.

 Interestingly, in organisations where a new President and Board of Directors are installed at the start of the activity year, more often than not most are new to their role. They are rookies… greenhorns… a person who is new to or inexperienced to a particular role and responsibility.


A greenhorn will not have the ‘burden of experience’ and is likely to be more open-minded and enthusiastic to learn and apply that learning. The experienced ones have to put extra effort to have a fresh approach to what they may have done before.


We must choose to have the clean slate that a greenhorn brings along. We should opt to be eager to learn new things. We must embrace new resolves to empower a newcomers approach. Even the experienced, when cast in an old role, should reclaim the attitude of when they were greenhorns.


The score book doesn’t really mind…
when greenhorn turns into a true find!


~ Pravin K Sabnis


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