Monday, August 12, 2024

Spoken Word

Encore Academy of Performing Arts is organising the first ever Spoken Word Festival in Konkani Language, on 20 August in Goa. On this day in 1992, Konkani was included in the 8thSchedule of the Constitution of India. Since 2000, Rene Barreto initiated World Goa Day on 20 August to bring Goans together at the global level.


The Spoken Word unifies the Konkani community while the written word in Konkani is spread across diversity of 5 scripts. Indeed it is possible to understand the Spoken Word even of languages that we have not learnt. It goes beyond language as it moves to the ambit of voice, tone and gesture. 


Spoken word has roots in ancient oral traditions, where thoughts, emotions and experiences were passed down through generations by word of mouth. In 1960s and 70s, Spoken Word experienced a resurgence with the rise of slam poetry, which underlined performance to add meaning beyond words.


Spoken word is a diverse and inclusive form, beyond poetry recitals. It can include stories, essays, rap, stand-up, monologue or other improvisations. The beauty of spoken word lies in its versatility and ability to adapt to varied styles and forms, making it a powerful tool for self-expression.


With para language and body language

The Spoken Word is ahead of language!


~ Pravin K. Sabnis


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