Monday, May 20, 2024


The term comes from the Latin word ‘procrastinatus’, which itself evolved from the prefix ‘pro’ meaning ‘forward’ and ‘crastinus’ meaning ‘of tomorrow.’ It implies blameworthy delay due to laziness or apathy. It is an attitude to put off intentionally and habitually the doing of something that needs to be done. 

Procrastination seizes non-lazy, proactive people as well. Even positive qualities of well-intentioned persons can result in a situation of procrastination. Such ‘positive’ qualities include perfectionism, being analytical, saying ‘Yes’ to every thing and being ‘busy’.

Perfectionism is good but making every task hang at its altar results in immobility. Excessive analysis creates paralysis of action. Not being able to say ‘No’ results in overburdening and results in procrastination. And of course, when one is busy with a single task, other tasks go for a toss.

We must look at the larger picture and identify important and urgent tasks. If the task can be delegated, do so! We prioritise our commitments as well as the things we really enjoy doing. Otherwise procrastination will pull down the proactive person in us as well!

Overcome the pulls of procrastination
Prioritise tasks & ensure timely action!


- Pravin K. Sabnis


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