Monday, June 24, 2024

Push the Envelope

This phrase became popular after Tom Wolfe’s book about the space programme – The Right Stuff, 1979: ‘One of the phrases that kept running through the conversation was ‘pushing the outside of the envelope’… [That] seemed to be the great challenge and satisfaction of flight test.’

 The envelope here isn’t the container for letters, but the mathematical envelope, which is defined as ‘the locus of the ultimate intersections of consecutive curves’. 


The point is that an envelope is that which envelops. To push the envelope is to attempt to extend the current limits of performance. It is about innovating or going beyond commonly accepted boundaries.


To push the envelope is to break the restrictive routine and use the out-of-the-box approach. Too often, we limit our potential by playing it safe. We must step outside the framework and discover greater prospects.


Enhance your prospect scope 

Choose to push the envelope!


~ Pravin K. Sabnis



#mondaymuse21stYear #pravinsabnis #since2004 #motivation #blogging #MondayMuse

Monday, June 10, 2024


‘The game is not over till the last ball is bowled!’ 


The above quote is from the sport of cricket. Real players don’t give up before the game is over. In fact, they don’t give up even when the game is over. They know that there will be other games to redeem themselves.


So often, so many of us are deterred by defeat in the game of life and we give up. We must persist on the path of life and not give up. We must be active and positive instead of lamenting our predicament.


We have to rise up to every challenge that looms large. Even when things fail, it is never really over. We must lift ourselves and step ahead to display our willingness to live life to the fullest effort. 


Life is about persisting until the end. The indefatigable do not allow an ambience of death when the body is still alive. They persist even when lifelessness sets in. They strive to revive and restore life.


Till the end is not upon us, it does not make sense to give up on life. Resolves to persist can delay or sometimes defer the eventuality of death. And even if it does not, it will be a life lived well!


Don’t give up or desist

Life is when we persist!


~ Pravin K. Sabnis


#mondaymuse21stYear #pravinsabnis #since2004 #motivation #blogging #MondayMuse

Monday, June 3, 2024


When Pedro travelled to Sikkim, he carried two bottles of drinking water, one for hot water and the other for normal. His children laughed at him, ‘Papa do you think we will not get to buy mineral water bottles there?’

It turned out that Sikkim had prohibited the sale of mineral water bottles as well as single-use plastic items. Pedro’s two reusable bottles turned out to be the wise thing to carry.


The Sikkim government was aligned the instruction of the union ministry of environment, forests and climate change. In other States of India, the growing garbage heap contains even small size single use mineral water bottles.


In the aftermath of Covid pandemic, most of us would carry our reusable bottles. But we are back to our careless, irresponsible actions. Why can’t we do our bit to reduce the plastic pile by choosing the reusable option? 


Every day can be Environment Day
If we opt to walk the reusable way!

- Pravin K. Sabnis


#mondaymuse21stYear #pravinsabnis #since2004 #motivation #blogging #MondayMuse